We would like to deeply thank the following colleagues for their great support, great suggestions and/or valuable inspirations:

Marcel Schwerin from Transmediale
Ralf Susmikat from EMAF
Jean-Francois Rettig and Nathalie Hénon from Rencontres Internationales Paris/Berlin/Madrid
Tasja Langenbach from Videonale 14 Bonn
Aleksandra, Christoph, Georg and Oliver from VVORK
Anna Maria Anttila from AV-Arkki
Mike Hoolboom
Lara Kohl
Jim Supanick
Bradley Eros

Also mega thanks to

Eyebeam: Pat Jones, Roddy Schrock, Marko Tandefelt, Meredith Niemczyk and Genoa Mungin.
Dumbo Arts Center: Julie Martin
Rooftop Films: Dan Nuxoll
Technical Artistry: Kyle Chepulis
Liz Blessing
Rebekah Rutkoff
Leo Kuelbs

Our dear interns:

Joseph Akebrand
Lizy Brautigam
Ian Charles
Joon-Hyung Kim (Leo)
Sung-Ah Jun
David Staehle